Saxon radiopharmacy network nukliD® strengthens international visibility
Today, Thursday 16 January 2025, leading German and international players in the field of radiopharmacy from Saxony agree to intensify their collaboration. The aim of the partners from the fields of research, industry and cluster management is to develop radiopharmacy in Saxony into a centre of innovation and expertise in this pioneering field and thus make it more visible internationally. To this end, have joined forces under the name Radiopharmacy Cluster Dresden – nukliD®.
Radiopharmaceuticals are special medicines containing radioactive elements, called isotopes. They offer the possibility of diagnosing and treating tumours in a precise, targeted and personalised way. Unlike conventional therapies, radiopharmaceuticals act directly in the diseased tissue, sparing the surrounding healthy tissue is largely spared. Radiopharmacy is becoming into a key technology in modern nuclear medicine cancer treatment. With the establishment of the Radiopharmacy Cluster Dresden – nukliD®, the Saxon players in this innovative sector have now joined forces to bundle and further expand their potential. nukliD® will promote cooperation between science and industry, advance technical innovations and carry out public relations work. Another important goal is to train and secure highly qualified specialists and to increase the international visibility of Saxony as a business location.
Minister President Michael Kretschmer emphasised: “Saxony is a top location for innovation. This also applies to the field of radiopharmacy. It is good that this special strength and expertise that has grown in the Free State is now being expanded even further with the new cluster. In fact, the growth forecasts for the radiopharmaceuticals market emphasise the enormous potential of this technology here. It is a strong signal and good for patients how all the players involved here in Bavaria are working together to advance forward-looking developments.”
Dresden’s Mayor of Economic Affairs, Jan Pratzka, explains: “Over 60 years of radiopharmaceuticals in Dresden stand for continuous growth and innovation. The constant expansion of the site and the growing demand for radiopharmaceuticals emphasise the relevance of this industry. I am extremely pleased that our region, as one of the leading locations for radiopharmacy, is making a significant contribution to people’s health.”
Frank Höhme, Mayor of Radeberg, added: “It makes me very proud that the Dresden-Radeberg region is emerging as a hub in the field of radiopharmacy and is being further strengthened by the Radiopharmacy Cluster Dresden – nukliD®. The fact that the radiance of the cluster can also prove to be a magnet for other companies in this sector is wonderful news for Radeberg and gives us great hope for the future. Thanks to the cluster, Radeberg can also attract more attention as a business location and as a place to live and be associated with more than just beer. This is a great opportunity.”
The Scientific Director of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt, emphasises: “We are proud to play a key role as a strong research partner in the network. Thanks to our application-oriented basic research, we can lay the foundations for the industry to establish the Dresden and Radeberg region as a leading centre for radiopharmacy in the long term.”
The founding members of the network include:
ABX advanced biochemical compounds GmbH, ABX-CRO advanced pharmaceutical services Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, CUP-Contract Labs, Gamma Service Recycling GmbH, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf e. V., Isotope Technologies Dresden GmbH, MDG Molecular Diagnostics Group GmbH, ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH and TRIMT GmbH.
The nukliD® network is coordinated by biosaxony Management GmbH, soon to be leap:up GmbH. CEO André Hofmann emphasises: “With nukliD®, we are not only creating a platform that brings science and industry closer together, but also ensuring that key aspects for the future of radiopharmacy are coordinated and driven forward. This includes the targeted education and training specialists, who are key to the sustainable development of this field. At the same time, we are stepping up our public relations work in order to raise public awareness of the importance of radiopharmacy and are expanding our cooperation with public bodies such as regulatory authorities and ministries. Through this comprehensive coordination, we are creating the basis for mastering technical challenges – such as securing the production of radionuclides – and further expanding Saxony’s competitiveness. Our goal is to establish Saxony as a pioneer and driver of innovation in radiopharmaceuticals.”
biosaxony Management GmbH
Deutscher Platz 5c, 04103 Leipzig
Phone: 0176/10230066
biosaxony Management GmbH, soon to be leap:up GmbH, cluster manager of biosaxony e.V., bundles the strengths of Saxony’s biotechnology, medical technology and healthcare industries. With a clear focus on innovation and the promotion of skills developement, it is a key player in the economic region of Saxony.
Statements from individual players:
Jens Junker, Managing Director of ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH:
With the nukliD® network, we are providing an important boost to for radiopharmacy in Saxony. The bundling of expertise from research and industry not only strengthens the innovative power of our industry, but also the visibility of this important field. nukliD® offers an excellent basis for utilising synergies and promoting specialists in a targeted manner. ROTOP is proud to be part of this future-oriented network.
Dr Dirk Freitag-Stechl, Managing Director of CUP-Contract Labs:
Participation in the nukliD® cluster is in line with our mission to support the development, approval and quality control of radiopharmaceutical products. By collaborating with leading players in this cluster, we aim to strengthen regional excellence and drive progress in the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, and help consolidate Saxony’s position as a globally recognised centre for innovation.
Dr Andreas Kluge, Managing Director ABX-CRO advanced pharmaceutical services:
In recent years, the use of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy has increased significantly, even though these procedures have been used in patients for decades. We at ABX-CRO are convinced that as part of the nukliD® cluster we can represent and support the development opportunities here in Saxony for the benefit of patients all over the world. We want to continue to promote Saxony as a location for research and development of radiopharmaceuticals in order to make the region attractive for skilled workers and to strengthen the economy in the long term. nukliD® offers us the opportunity to get in touch with like-minded companies with similar visions for the future and to promote ideas.
Dr Wilhelm Zörgiebel, Founder and CEO, MDG Molecular Diagnostics Group GmbH:
The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts a 77% increase in the cancer cases detected by 2050. Early and accurate diagnoses, followed by effective and targeted therapies, is therefore crucial. Precision medicine offers great potential for this, for example with the groundbreaking concept of theranostics for successful, targeted cancer treatment with few side effects using radioisotopes. The Molecular Diagnostics Group (MDG) and its three high-tech companies BIOTYPE, ROTOP Pharmaka and qualitype GmbH expect far-reaching impulses for research, development and realisation of commercial solutions in the field of radiopharmacy from the alliance of powerful players and partners of the region in the Radiopharmacy Cluster Dresden – nukliD®.
Dr Gunnar Mann, Member of the Executive Board of Eckert & Ziegler SE and Managing Director of Gamma Service Recycling GmbH and Isotope Technologies Dresden GmbH (ITD):
At our Dresden-Rossendorf site, we manufacture high-tech systems for the production of radiopharmaceuticals and supply them worldwide, as well as providing services for the handling and disposal of radioactive products in cancer medicine. Eckert & Ziegler is investing up to € 50 million in the expansion of this production site. The new buildings, which will be completed in the summer of 2024, will form the basis for the company’s further expansion and will create the foundation for up to 100 additional highly qualified jobs in plant engineering and radiopharmaceuticals in Saxony.
Dr Jakub Simecek, Co-founder & CEO of TRIMT GmbH:
Our participation in the nukliD® cluster is the logical consequence of founding our modern company in Radeberg, which specialises in radiopharmaceuticals and oncology – a location that is internationally renowned for significant developments in radiopharmaceuticals. We develop innovative drugs for cancer diagnostics and targeted therapies, which we are already using clinically worldwide. The Radeberg/Dresden site offers ideal conditions for this. Together with the other members of the nukliD® network, we will further strengthen the global presence, economic power and attractiveness of the Saxony region.
Dr Marco Müller, CEO ABX advanced biochemical compounds GmbH:
As part of the newly established Radiopharmacy Cluster Dresden – nukliD®, we look forward to enhanced collaboration with the companies in our network. Radiopharmacy is a key technology in modern cancer treatment and we are convinced that through joint projects and a strong, unified approach we can achieve better patient care. By pooling our resources and knowledge, we can develop innovative solutions that not only revolutionise the diagnosis and treatment of patients, but also make Saxony an internationally visible location. Together with our partners, we are committed to driving technical innovation and educating highly skilled prefessionals to actively shape the future of radiopharmacy. Let’s work together to realise the full potential of this promising technology, says Marco Müller.
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